GFS® Booths

Paint booths for the automotive industry

Increase your productivity. Get higher quality.
Lower your costs. Boost your profitability.

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Energy savings

Do more with less.

Minimum consumption, optimum performance. Reduce losses and energy consumption to an absolute minimum, while achieving peak performance.

Save 40% to 60% energy with Economy mode

Automatic standby when the booth is not in use

Recycle up to 90% of the air used in SmartFlash and SmartCure modes

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See Everything. In High Definition.

Enjoy an optimal 360° view of your worktop. No shadows, no blind spots. See everything, work more efficiently, reduce waste.

Lamps with six T8 tubes installed in strategic locations

Lights integrated into the ceiling, directly above the vehicle

Approved lighting equipped with energy-saving LED lamps

Drying and Curing

Cut your drying time in half.

Go ahead: pick up the pace. Reduce your drying time, increase your production volume. Deliver more work with the same equipment.

Up to 4 SmartFlash and 8 SmartCure profiles for drying cycles

Curing time is cut in half with the AdvanceCure® system

Optimal energy efficiency saves money on energy bills 

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Compliance with Standards

Compliance, Across the Board. 

We hold all the necessary accreditations and certifications to install and maintain your equipment. RBQ: 1118-5741-34 CMMTQ: 4034

Control Panel

Take total control of your environment.

Your profession, your options. Control your work environment like never before with the most advanced touch screen on the paint booth market.

The most complete and customizable control panel on the market

10" color touchscreen for easy switching between operating cycles

Standard on all Ultra XP1 paint booths

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Controlled ventilation

Control air movements with extreme precision.

Make air currents work for you. Eliminate contaminants, reduce paint losses.

Maximized downflow efficiency

Optimized spray area due to a full-width plenum

Protection against overspray and contaminants

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Gear up and get down to business.

Working with the right equipment is a good start.

The provided service changes everything.

The performance of your equipment has a direct impact on your operations. You need to be able to rely on it.

And you can.

Our Services

24/7 Maintenance and Repair

Our certified technicians will look after your equipment at all times, especially when you need it most.
Parts and Accessories

Spare parts in stock

We keep a vast inventory of spare parts ready for delivery.